uv rays

Filed under: by: Harry Jones

Lack of sleep leaves skin dull, dehydrated, and believe it or not, wrinkled. On top of that, eyes look puffy and dark.Attractive, huh?
Another reason sleep is so crucial is cell regeneration, the process where fresh, new skin cells replace old, dead skin, happens quicker at night compared to daytime.
Sleep also cleans up daily damage.During the day, skin is bombarded with UV rays, pollution and other harmful environmental elements. These culprits can cause damage like dehydration, lines, wrinkles and sun spots. At night, skin repairs itself to reverse this damage. Adding an antioxidant-rich night cream can boost this repair process.
If youre one of the lucky ones blessed with the ability to have a sound sleep nightly, well, we kind of hate you. For the rest of us, here are a few tips from the National Sleep Foundation to help you catch some zzzs.
Create a sleep-friendly environment. This means having a room thats dark, cool and free from distractions yes, that includes your TV and laptop.
Leave work out. Occasional work stress is inevitable. Dont take it into the bedroom. Leave work materials outside of your bedroom and think of your room as a place for rest and relaxation.
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.Sometimes its tough to keep a consistent schedule, particularly on the weekends, but its an important part of fostering healthy sleep habits.


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