Drink More Water

Filed under: by: Harry Jones

Drink More Water
Yes, youve heard it a million times, but do you ever really do it?
The benefits of drinking 6-8 glasses a day are endless, but were sticking to the ones pertaining to vanity here. (You know, the important ones.)
The debate whether drinking water actually helps hydrate your skin is an ongoing one, but it certainly cant hurt.One thing we know water does helpwith is flushing toxins out of the body. With inadequate amounts of water flowing through the system, toxins can build up and escape through skin pores, which can contribute to acneeven as an adult.
Another area water helps with is diminishing the dreaded under eye circlesas one of the main causes of dark circles is dehydration. Water retention also causes swelling under the eyes (salty foods, anyone), and downing a few extra glasseswill help de-puff skin. (Coincidentally, it is also said to increase skins plumpness.)
Lastly, filling up on water can help you eat less, and in turn, help you weigh less. Have you ever heard that hunger is often mistaken for thirst? Try it! Instead of reaching for a handful of pretzels, drink a glass of water first and seeing if youre still craving the salty snack after.
Were thinking you wont be.

Sleep More
Could there be an easier resolution? Sleep, believe it or not, is one of the best beauty treatments in your arsenal. (Beauty sleep is not just an old wives tale.) When you dont get enough of the good stuff, it showsnot only in your disposition, but in your face


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